Spectora Webinars
From marketing strategy to website success to tips to meeting new agents, Spectora's webinar series helps inspectors learn the skills they need to succeed in their markets.
Past Webinars
Email Marketing 201
A deep dive into email segmentation and automation, led by Spectora's Head of Marketing James Omdahl.
Sales Strategies for Home Inspectors
Tips + tricks to up your sales game, led by Spectora Account Manager Stephen Tucci.
Mastering Spectora: Metrics
What metrics truly matter, how to pull them in Spectora, and how to use them to inform business decisions.
Email Marketing 101
A crash course in email marketing for home inspectors, led by Spectora's Head of Marketing James Omdahl.
Spectora Payments
The lowdown on why payments are important, and how Spectora Payments can be the solution.
AI + Home Inspection
How can home inspectors use AI? Olivia and JP Narowski ( Spectora's Head of Engineering) break it down.
Social Media + Agents
Want to learn how to use social media to connect with more agents? This is the webinar for you.
SEO Part 1
What is local SEO? What are the key terms to understand and important strategies to implement?
SEO Part 2
Cutting the SEO BS: the SEO strategies that are worth the money and will actually yield results for home inspectors.
Agent Prospecting
How to meet agents, network successfully, and form meaningful connections, with Kevin Wagstaff.
What makes a good website?
Analyzing and improving a home inspector's website and SEO in real-time with Kevin Wagstaff.
SEO Part 2
Breaking down why (and how) a website can be the most powerful tool in an inspector's marketing toolkit.
Have you heard our podcast Spectora Spotlight?