Should I use an Inspector that my Real Estate Agent Recommends?

The process of buying home may involve a surprising amount of decisions to those experiencing it for the first time. From finding an agent to submitting an offer, it seems there are choices to make almost daily. One way a real estate agent might help is by suggesting the services of other professionals that can assist buyers and sellers in making this pivotal life decision.
For many buyers and sellers, this can serve as a great way to find professionals and businesses that do great work. After all, most people who have never bought or sold a home may have never worked with a home inspector or title company before.
However, while a client will want to take advantage of the experience and knowledge of their agent throughout the process, they may not be willing to abdicate their responsibilities in the choices they will need to make. Clients can consider the following when assessing a home inspector that their agent recommends.
The relationship between an agent and client always works better when each has an understanding of the other's needs and communication is open and honest. An agent should fully understand the goals of their client and the client should be open enough to assist the agent in providing the best possible advice. This is not to say that each must blindly follow along.
A client should always act in their own best interest.
They should, therefore, take into consideration any recommendations made by an agent, but also verify on their own, the validity of any claim or recommendation. "Trust, but verify" is a good rule of thumb in any business relationship.
One of the biggest benefits of taking the recommendation of your real estate agent is the time it can save in performing your own research. It also shows confidence in your relationship with your agent. The agent may have had success in working with the inspector previously and may appreciate the efficient performance of that particular inspector. They likely have a high degree of confidence in anyone they recommend.
Human nature being what it is, there can be some drawbacks to blindly taking the recommendation of your real estate agent. While the majority of agents and inspectors conduct their business with integrity, clients may have peace of mind by seeking out reviews/testimonials, and asking questions.
In many cases, especially with very experienced agents, these relationships are a natural product of great work and can be very beneficial. With relatively little effort, clients can verify that this is indeed the case with their recommendation.
Asking questions and looking for the right information can help anyone find the right inspector for their needs — whether or not they are using the services of a real estate agent.
A glowing recommendation from an agent is certainly a step in the right direction, of course, but some level of involvement in making this choice will not only give buyers peace of mind, but will also give them some insight into the mechanics of how a real estate transaction works.
A relationship with terrific communications is critical in a beneficial relationship between client and agent. Agents can be a great resource for buyers and sellers looking to build the ideal team of professionals, but clients should also be prepared to ask the right questions in order to make the final decision to enlist the help of others.
Robert Little is a real estate agent and team leader of The Little Group. Born and raised in Las Vegas, he takes pride in educating clients on both his market and the real estate transaction in order to help them make informed decisions.